Autumn boating tips

Our recommended products for autumn boating will ensure a fresh start in spring. As we move into autumn and the end of the boating season (at least in the northern hemisphere!), now's the time to prepare your boat and boating equipment for the colder weather ahead. 

Head Lube

Save an expensive and unpleasant job next year. Add a few drops of lube to the head (toilet) basin and flush. The natural oils containe will lubricate the seals and stop them drying out over the closed season, and prevent clogging of the pump valves.

Fabsil Seam Sealer

Before canopies and covers become saturated and frosted, try sealing the stitched seams. This will help stop those little drips making the cabin space damp, and prevent mildew and fungus.

Snap Stick

For easy opening in the spring, this is a great product to lubricate and protect canopy zips. Just apply from the convenient applicator, work the zipper a couple of times, re-apply a final layer as you leave the boat. Works on wetsuits, wet weather gear and sail bags too.


Oxford Mint Mildew Block

Proven to prevent mildew and mould spores forming inside the cabin whilst the boat is not in use. The spray creates a mist that covers all surfaces including fabrics with an anti-fungal herbicide. It leaves a pleasant fresh scent on your return. This highly effective treatment is essential in damp environments where de-humidifiers cannot be used. For use on all interiors, boats, caravans, tents, under canopies and covers.

Odourlos Holding Tank Treatment Concentrate

The best! A blend of enzymes, friendly bacteria and surfactants to break down waste in marine holding tanks. Essential for preparing your boat for the winter. Please note Odourlos is not intended to replace antifreeze in your sanitation system and holding tank, but to prevent offending odours from developing in your boat during storage.

Marine 16 Diesel Bug Treatment (anxiety prevention!)

A biocide blend for preventing or eradicating diesel bug, the microbial contamination of fuel from yeast, mould and bacteria. Get this in your diesel fuel system. Drain the water from water separation filters and fuel tank and add the recommended dose. Run engine(s) so the treated fuel has run through the whole system. The fuel treatment of choice for the RNLI, The Royal Marines, Sea Start and River Canal Rescue as well as being number 1 in the Practical Boat Owner magazine.

Note: Diesel Bug exists because there is water. It is essential to drain the water out of the tank regularly, at least once per month. Disperses into both the water and fuel phases in your tank and will remain sufficiently active for over a year at both high and low temperatures. A 100ml bottle is sufficient to prevent diesel bug growth in 2000 litres of fuel (50ppm). For serious contamination this should be increased to 100ml to 100 litres (1000ppm). Overdosing will not harm your engine. 

August Race UV Protection

UV is just as destructive during the winter months. Apply this to vinyl and PVC covers, RIB Tubes, Inflatables, and Plastic boats and parts. Save it.


Caframo Stor-Dry Low Wattage Warm Air Circulator 230V

A progression on the trusty tube heater. The Stor-Dry low wattage warm air circulator is the “must have” product for the winter season. It combats mould, mildew and musty odours in any boat that is closed up or winterised. This dual action air dryer uses a low wattage heating element and internal fan to both heat and circulate the air. The heat and circulation prevents stale air pockets which in turn prevents mould or mildew from forming. Consumption 75w (0.33 amps at 230v AC).

A final tip...


Batteries will deplete in the atmosphere – this is natural discharge. Of course, a battery charge connected to shore power will prevent this. Is just a trickle charger (solar or mains) better? Maybe. You can mitigate the effects of natural discharge by cleaning the top of the battery case and making sure it's dry and stays dry. This will reduce the discharge between the battery posts. Then coat the battery terminals and connectors with clean grease (not Copper-Ease or metallic content greases); petroleum jelly will do. Carefully top up wet batteries with de-ionised water. If a 12volt battery drops below 10.5volts it will incur damage, no matter how new the battery is. Don’t assume they’ll be OK.

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